Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Theatre 1 4th 11-8-16

by:  Louis

So pretty much we just came in and did the bellringer.
Then we played the voice olympics thing.

Theatre 1 7th period 11-8-16

By: Sarah
     In the start of class, we had to take our stars of the stage.  We also had to get our notebooks because every morning we have a bell ringer to put in it. We had to copy down a definition too, to put in our note section of our notebooks. Next, we did the Alphabet Olympics!!!! We battled it to the end and A.C. won! Last but not least we are using quizlet to study for our test tomorrow until, the bell rings to go to club time!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Theatre Rotation

We had our very first lesson today with the new rotation group.  We learned about the different types of theatre:  musicals, tragedy, comedy, mystery, drama.