Friday, August 18, 2017

Week in Review (6th Period)

by:  Reese

 In Theatre class  this week we learned about the origin of theatre. We learned, theatre first came from the cave men, and their rituals. We also learned different play genres such as, comedy, tragedy, and drama. We even watched videos about drama. Lastly, we learned about the difference between theatre and film. But, today we learned about eye contact and, played some interactive games. Can't wait to learn more next week!

Week in Review (5th period)

by:  Anna Whitley

         This week in the Theatre class we worked on a lot of different things, like getting to know each other, learning new vocabulary word,  and finding out new things about  the Theatre. One of the things we learned is where Theatre can from. I also learned about what the word Theatre Art meansTheatre and learned about each other. 

Week in Review (4th Period)

by:  Sara Kate

This week I learned so much about theatre. Everyday, we started off with the bell ringer. The bell ringers are questions about theatre that we answer in more than a couple sentences. Everyday, we learned a few vocabulary words that have something to do with theatre. Some of the words were explaining a type of play while others words had to do with the actors, the script and many more. To help us memorize the vocabulary words, we played matching games with cards with the words and definitions. Also, this week we played some fun games. The games we played helped us with eye contact, speaking up, creativity, teamwork, communication, and imagination. The games helped us with theatre and real life situations. One day, we learned about the history of theatre and how it came to be. We learned that theatre was around for at least 30,000 years ago! It was performed by priests as they told stories to their people. I learned so much this week and I had a blast in theatre!

Week in Review (3rd period)

by:  Natalie:

Today we started off with the bell ringer, which was explaining why we agree or disagree with the quote, "Theatre is life; life is theatre." Most of us agreed, because everything we do in life can somehow be put on a  stage,  even though it might be boring to some people.

Week in Review (1st Period)

by:  Hunter

This week has been very fun. First we learned about the history of theatre, then we learned different types of genres theatre, lastly we played some very fun games to teach us about drama.

 To start off the week we learned about the history of theatre. Nobody really knows where theatre originated from, but many believe it came from ancient ritual's and myths from ancient people.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017


It's a new school year, and I'm excited about meeting new students!

We're off to a great start.  We're already learning to focus and to listen, as well as how important teamwork is!